Tuesday, November 24, 2009

potentially misplaced confidance

Practices have been going well lately. I can feel my body adapting. Every practice ends with me feeling less like I'm going to collapse than the last. My ankle has been acting up though. I blame on the high-heels i wore all day last Tuesday. My feet we're not happy. I guess I'm a flats girl from now on. However, aside from cutting out heels, I figured there were a few other things I could do to reduce the stress on my ankles. I cleaned my wheels and noticing that some where pretty worn out while others still have their grooves totally intact, I strategically switched them around so that I'll have more grip on my pushing wheels. I'll be trying out that new set-up tonight. We'll see how that goes. And if my ankles still fail me, I've got a tensor bandage in the side pocket of my gear bag. That should hold me together.

I have less than 2 weeks of my current job left before I go on vacation for a month (and then start a new job). I really can't wait to start my vacation so that I can tons of time to work on getting my speed and endurance up to at least where they were pre-concussion.

Right now, I'm pretty confidant that with all the steps I'm taking to make mold myself into the best athlete and derby girl I can be, I'll be on top of my game by the beginning of the home season. Lets just hope that isn't totally misplaced confidance. My team has a solid bunch of veteran, a nice group of less experience (but still pretty damn good) players, and there are only 2 spots open on our roster for newbies. So, if I don't explode with awesomeness on the track by Beast of East, I'm likely to get benched (as with a roster of 20, only 14 people are allowed to play per game). So, my confidance better be well-founded and well-deserved.

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