Monday, August 3, 2009

giving up on my brains

As you may have guessed, my most recent attempt to return to skating was a failure. 1 hour on skates left me dizzy and with considerable brain pain. So I've given up on this season. There's 1 game left and i will not be playing. I've resigned myself to that fact (though somewhat reluctantly). And in order to make this whole ordeal bareable, I'm not going to any practice or roller derby related social events until the final game. I just can't take it. Its far too depressing. So, instead, I'm spending all my free-time with my non-derby friends. On Saturday, my team plays the championship game. La Racaille vs FDR. The Ultimate Showdown. And for that game, I will put on my game face and cheer on my team. Probably drink a ton. And hopefully my team will win.

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