Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Shut up and skate!

That's my team motto.

This weekend, we had a little team bonding retreat. We drove out to a cabin in the woods for some chilling, dancing, drinking, strategizing and all around awesomesauce. It was a ton of fun. I really love my team. Such a wonderful group of people. All of them big-hearted, fun and quirky. I couldn't have found a better suited group of people to be my teamates if I'd hosted an american idol style tv show about it.

Now that my team is all bonded. We're psyching ourselves up for the tournament this weekend. Beast of the East 2009. Our first game together since I joined the team will be Saturday morning at 11:20. It'll be a non-stop derby weekend.

Just a few days left to get ready. I've got new wheels (which are not only awesome in their shiny newness but also very necessary as my old one have been entirely striped of their grip) and there are 3 practices left for me to get myself entirely in game mode. Grrr. (that's my derby growl)

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