Sunday, February 28, 2010

Queen of the practice!

This morning, i went to derby practice on 4 hours of sleep with just a giant pile of enthusiasm and adrenaline. And i was on fire. Today, I felt more like the pre-concussion Hellcatraz than ever before. And with the lack of ankle pain due to my new skates, as well as my constantly improving fitness level (which is still not all that fit), soon enough I'll be better than ever. Hellcatraz is making a comeback.

I felt so good about myself at the end of practice that I declared myself world champion of this morning's practice. Wrath Poutine even apologized for forgetting my medal at home.

Really, I was on the ball. FUckin' shit up like nobody's business. In the last scrimmage line of the day, I even jammed and kicked some serious ass. When there's really just 1 blocker on me, I just hit them back harder than they hit me and then pick up the pace. Luckily my team was doing a good enough job of interfering with the opposing team's blockers, so they never got a chance to catch me behind a wall of anything.

Ah, good times.
This the self-declared Queen of practice signing off.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I missed a couple practices last week because some adorably little strep throat infected children decided to shove their sticky fingers in my face. Now, when i go a little while without practicing, I always forget about that wonderful post-practice high. I write about it all the time, but there's really no way to capture the emotion and inject in directly to my blood stream when i get the derby blues (or any other kind of blues for that matter.)

Today, I was crazily lethargic. And the thought of doing anything other than curling up in a ball under a pile of blankets and sleeping the rest of my life away was quite intolerable. However, I was determined to put that aside for derby practice. I put my depression in my back pocket, got my skates on and hoped that my lethargy wouldn't find a way out of my back pocket and pull a sneak attack on me mid-practice.

But once the ball got rolling, all my worries went away. And after the initial shock of being back on skates post-sickness, my body didn't even complain more than with a slight short-lived muscle ache or 2.

And now, in the midst of this lovely post-derby high, I can't help but wish that derby practices took place early every morning before work. I'd be nice & chipper all day long and probably would no longer require anti-depressants. However, i cannot imagine any of the derby girls wanting to get up at 5am to practice. Maybe one day... when roller derby becomes an olympic sport... a girl can dream.

Friday, February 5, 2010

welcome back zest for life

Anti-depressants, new skates, emotional support from friends and family, positive experiences at derby practice. All these things have really helped me find my footing in life and in the derby world over the past few weeks. Like any time of great change, my head often felt like it was going to explode. But the storm seems to have passed, for now. My new skates were just what the doctor ordered.

I'm even excited for the team bonding that'll be happening this weekend. I feel closer to my team than i had in a long while. And this really helps when overcoming the derby blues.

Bye-bye derby blues.

Less than 3 months until Beast of the East 2010. So excited!